Passionately leading.

Are you passionate about something?
To be a leader, you have to be passionate about something. Passion creates the necessary goal that gives you the direction that you need. Once the passion and the direction have been set by you, people can then follow.
Stay true to your passion.
A passion is something that you are almost obsessive about. It brings focus, drive, energy, and purpose. Build your business, blog, speeches, etc. around what you are passionate about. You will feed off of the energy and drive that you passion brings to encourage others to be more passionate.
Passion is infectious.
Everyone knows that its easier to laugh when other people laugh, and when one person starts laughing usually everyone else starts laughing. Passion has the same effect. When you are passionate about something, you begin spreading the message or your passion to others who then become passionate about the same thing and then spread it to their network.
Passion needs to be real.
It needs to be true. Everybody can tell when someone is faking a speech or is trying to show that they are more passionate than they really are. Don’t go after something just because you think its cool. Go after your passion even if that is talking about the different kinds of paper in the world. If you are real and true to your passion people will see that and will become one of your followers or you will encourage them to be a leader in whatever their passion is.

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