A leader who empowers.

Think about someone who you think is a leader, and how do they lead?

What do you think of those who are leaders for you?

Do people empower you to get work done, to achieve your goals and the companies goals? People strive more when they are given responsibility and the tools to accomplish things. We want to have purpose and meaning to what we do. It is finding that purpose even in the most mundane of tasks that makes leaders.

As human beings we need to be allowed the opportunity to take the reigns, push ahead, forge the direction, and carry the responsibility of performing the tasks before us well. I believe there is an innate part of us that when given responsibility, wants to step up and accomplish those goals and tasks. When we grab hold of that responsibility and that desire to achieve these goals, we will increase our chances of success ten fold, improve moral, and grow yourself and the others around you. Though we may not always achieve success, the chances of success are so much greater than if we don’t grab hold of the reigns and the responsibility.

Leaders have the responsibility of providing their employees, volunteers, or whoever with the tools and means necessary to reach those goals. Empower people to give you one mile and you might find that they will go two miles. Help everyone to reach their greatest potential by empowering them to achieve new heights and reach goals that will grow not only the company or organization, but also themselves.

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